Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Had a good couple of runs this week. On Saturday
morning (16 July) Sheila Morrison and I headed out on
much the same route as the week before – going from
Belhaven up to Eweford Cottages, up beside Wester
Broomhouse and on up to Spott. We then went down to
the ford and ran up Daniel’s Brae (again!!!) in
preparation for the East Lothian Summer Series race on
Tuesday. We then turned left down to Pitcox and
headed down to the A1. From there we ran down to the
old A1 and cut across into John Muir Country Park and
back to Belhaven Bay. It was a beautiful morning,
warm but with a cool breeze. Think that run was about
11.5 miles, as I’m trying to keep my mileage up at a
level where I feel another half marathon won’t be too
much of a step.

Tuesday evening was the East Lothian Summer Series
race, the second held in Dunbar. Although, our
cunning training plan was to no avail. In the race we
ran the other way round the loop, going down Daniel’s
Brae and up to Spott at the other side! (Although I’m
sure all the hill training did us the world of good,
as the route is hilly whichever way you run it.) I
have newfound sympathy for Paula Radcliffe also – my
stomach was acting up all the way round and that was
only just over a 4 mile route. I wouldn’t have been
able to deal with that on a longer run either!

Afterwards, some runners had a few drinks at Halhill
and Sheila Morrison and I decided to go out to get
some food. We both ordered non meat dishes.
Unfortunately my meal had some mince in it (not the
best when you are vegetarian) so we swopped halfway
through. I then started thinking about the amount of
meat I have eaten since I became vegetarian. Why is
it if I go out with a meat eater and they have a
vegetarian option, and so do I, mine is the one that
has the rogue meat in it? And usually you do only
figure it out when you have eaten some….I’ve spat out
fish pakora before (very politely of course) that was
served to me as cauliflower pakora; had bacon in a
cheese and tomato omelette; had bacon in a cheese
potato skin – and that was all in this country! When
I go abroad I usually end up explaining I’m
vegetarian in the appropriate language about 6
different ways and still get served a meal with meat
in it somewhere, but generally don’t expect this in
the UK.

I am going to Ireland on holiday this year – the last
time I was there my diet consisted of mainly cheese
sandwiches (not even cheese and tomato or cheese and
pickle, just plain cheese) but hopefully this time
round I will be able to find some more exciting food.

Tomorrow evening I’m going to interval training. It’s
been a few weeks since I’ve been so I’m sure I’ll find
it even tougher than usual. I will update shortly…

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