Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Todays update will be brief the runs havent been
up to much since my last entry. Sheila Morrison and I
tried to go out for a long run on Saturday morning but
failed dismally to keep going. We planned on a long
run, from Belhaven up to Halhill, through the trees to
Spott roundabout and up to Spott. From there we ran
ahead to the ford and the up and over to Pitcox. From
Pitcox we ran back along to Dunbar, going via Little
Spott, Daniels Brae and Spott again. We then took a
bit of a shortcut going through Dozy Dean and down to
Eweford and back down to Belhaven. We calculated the
route as about 12-12.5 miles and we should have
managed to run that in about 2 hours. All the way we
were cursing Ian Rowland, because following intervals
on Thursday night our muscles were aching, and every
hill was a major effort. Anyone who has ran the route
also knows that it is pretty hilly with 6 of what
Sheila would call good hills. I would definitely
call them otherwise!
Anyway, the round trip took us about 3 hours. I timed
the bits we spent running and we did run for about 1
hour and 55 minutes. So somehow we managed to spend 1
hour not travelling anywhere very quickly. I think a
lot of it was spent at the top of hills, cursing Ian,
stretching muscles and me trying to get my breath
back. At least we did run up the hills, so there was
some quality running going on!
Following this, Sheila and I had a mad plan to go into
Edinburgh as Footworks have a bit of a sale on. I got
them to check my trainers and they are sorting out my
over-pronation and girly flick problem still so no
need for me to get a new pair, but Sheilas usual were
much reduced so it was a bargainous trip. (I got a
new pair of socks, so as not to be left out).
The plan was to then go to Haddington to catch the
runners finishing the Haddington half marathon but
unfortunately Sheila got the start time wrong, so we
ended up missing the fellow club runners coming in.
We stayed for the prize giving and a quick drink with
the teammates so it wasnt a wasted trip. Give our
performance earlier in the day I think we were both
glad that we hadnt attempted the race.
I am now officially on holiday and am heading off to
Ireland for some cheese sandwiches tomorrow. Feels a
bit odd as I will miss 4 club sessions but will try to
ensure I keep up the regular training in Ireland (Id
better as Ive got a 10k race to run the day after we
return, and many more planned in for September).
I just attempted a run round Beith, Ayrshire and had
extreme difficulty. The weather is very close and its
about 26 degrees, so I struggled on for 30 mins, took
a brief walking break as I began to feel quite unwell
in the heat and then ran a further 20 mins back to mum
and dads house. Lets hope things start looking better
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