Sunday, October 23, 2005

Haven’t written for a while – first up was Sheila
Morrison and I running to Haddington on Sunday 16
October. It was warm and fine weather and a nice day
for a run along. I felt much better than the previous
attempt back on the same day as the London marathon –
when we tried it before we watched the Marathon,
eating chocolate and drinking coffee, followed by a
bagel and then ran. No wonder I felt crap on that
occasion – had eaten far too much prior to running.
The route we follow starts at Belhaven and runs
through John Muir Country Park, then along the Tyne to
Hailes Castle before running the back roads to
Haddington. I measured the route – 12.28 miles
apparently. We didn’t go fast due to the terrain, but
felt ok. Lunch was fab (Poldrate Brasserie).

Tuesday night was a dark run through town and West
Barnes – about 6 miles. Thursday was intervals
training with Ian – quite an ok session for me. The
others did 6 x 800m on 5 mins, whilst Sheila Morrison
and I did 2 x 500m, 2 x 600m and 2 x 500m again. Ian
Sills managed to overtake us both when we were running
the 600m stretches!

On Saturday Sheila Morrison and I did a 5 mile run
round John Muir Country Park – weather was mild and
pretty good running conditions for this time of year.

Today (Sunday 23 October) we ran from Belhaven up to
Eweford, Wester Broomhouse, down Dozy Dean, up to
Spott, round the second ford and on to Pitcox, back to
Eweford and then Belhaven. It was crap weather –
really heavy rain. Did lead us to start worrying
about what the weather will be like next Sunday when
running the half marathon at Jedburgh….

My legs hurt and I was freezing for ages after todays
run – came back and had a nice hot shower and went off
to another pilates session. I haven’t been to pilates
for a couple of weeks so this weeks session seemed
pretty difficult. It’s all good for the core strength

Have thought of some more items to put on the don’t
eat list – some don’t eat ever and some just not too
close to a run –
• Cheese savoury – I mentioned this last time but
forgot to put on the top ten listing. I should never
eat cheese savoury as it always repeats and gives
either heartburn or indigestion but for some reason I
tend to forget
• Cheese and onion pasties – again I should never eat
these, they have amazing repeating properties
• Pesto – I can’t eat too much of this, tends to
repeat. Bit unfortunate as I really like pesto.

Have just started making tea, we are having a veggie
casserole made with some of Sheila Morrison’s home
grown veggies (salsify and some other thing that I
can’t remember the name of). Anyway for any of you
out there planning to grow or buy some salsify I’d
advise you not too. My hands are all funny brown
stains now, and the liquid that oozes out of the
salsify as you are peeling and cutting the veg has a
funny glue like quality that made my fingers stick
together and was really difficult to wash off… anyway
thanks Sheila!

Looking forward to Jedburgh now, and more importantly
the afternoon and evening celebrations after we make
it round!

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