Sunday, January 08, 2006

Back to work.....

The first week of the New Year has not gone so
well….it’s been pretty cold and running has been

On 3rd Jan Sheila Morrison and I went for a run
through John Muir Country Park for about 4 miles with
Sheila Kerr. We then decided to continue on up to
Eweford and Wester Broomhouse, running along the
grassy path that the Doon Hill race goes along to the
Pleasance and then running on down to Bowerhouse,
Eweford and back down to Belhaven. The run through
the park was good – nice and flat and sheltered.
Running up to Wester Broomhouse was a different story
– my legs hurt and I couldn’t breathe very easily.
Usually one or the other is a problem, not both at
once! It got really cold then as it was about 3:30
and it was getting dark, so that was even harder….

Then on Wednesday – back to work. Eeek….don’t know
why it is so hard to start back after Christmas but it
is…..I really struggled on Wednesday (and
Thursday….and Friday). To all of you who are just
starting back tomorrow – ha ha it will be even harder
for you, and you will have to do a full week as well!

On Thursday it was the handicapped 5k. Record numbers
turned out with Sheila Kerr coming along to intervals
for the first time, and Emma coming along again. I
was down to run in 25 mins with Sheila and Sheila in
25.45. I had a pretty bad run – considering the last
time I managed to do 25.01, this time was 25.51! Not
sure that was all down to the cold weather, could also
have something to do with the mountain of chocolate I
have been working my way through since about the
second week in December, to say nothing of all the
meals out and good home cooking…..Now its January I
have to take stock and cut down a bit on the calorie
consumption. No wonder everyone thinks January and
February are such depressing months. All this
dieting you have to do, and running in cold weather

On Saturday I went out for a wee jaunt round town on
my own. I only got out at about 4:00 and after less
than a minute of running bumped into Fay who was out
walking and much more sensibly dressed given the
dreary weather conditions. I ran down by the harbour,
up at the swimming pool, down the back road, along
dump road and along the burn to West Barns. At West
Barns I did the easy loop (the one we do on New Year’s
Eve) rather than running all the way to the top of the
hill. I then ran back up through the houses to my
starting point. A nice easy 4.5miles I think.

And today was the long run day. We set out with good
intentions but with the first stop after 5 mins
(Sheila M – toilet stop) and a few regular breaks
after that (Sheila – toilet, me – stretch legs and try
to breathe stops and top of hill stops) we managed our
way round. I think I did run out of fuel after about
7-8 miles. We ran from Belhaven up to Eweford, Wester
Broomhouse, then Spott, onto the second ford and down
to Pitcox. From Pitcox we headed down to the A1.

I saw an empty bottle of Irn Bru lying at the side of
the road and suddenly had huge cravings for the full
sugar version. I new then that I was dehydrated and
probably required some sugar. I did have a few
emergency joosters with me (handy as they are
vegetarian and nice and sharp tasting, not too gloopy)
but as Brian had found my stash a few weeks earlier, I
didn’t have many left! From there we went for the
shortest route home – which meant cutting across a
track from the roundabout at the A1 and down into West
Barns. From West Barns we ran along the burn and
along the dump road until we were back at Belhaven.
All that and only about 9.5 miles. And I swear it was
getting colder as we ran along…..

Anyway I’m hoping this week will be a bit more
successful. At least everyone else might be knackered
after they start back at work, so keeping up might be
a bit easier! Must go and see a man about my legs I

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