Sunday, June 25, 2006
Success at last
Managing to build the running back up a bit this week,
although not quite to the higher levels it was at a
few weeks back.
Tuesday night was another summer series race, this
time in Musselburgh. The route was a shade under 5km
but still around the 3 mile mark, running round the
race track. It was nasty weather raining with a
cold breeze, but deceptively warm (which you only
figured out when you where running and feeling a tad
too hot). I did ok, although 3 people passed me
(cheeky). Did 24.05 and came 5th female. What was
scarier was the chat in the pub afterwards when Stuart
was getting advice from all parts on how to get under
3 hours for a marathon (involved lots and lots of high
mileage running). Anyway one useful titbit of info
was for anyone training for a marathon to run a 10km,
10 mile and half marathon race in the 6-8 weeks before
the marathon and to add the times together to get
quite an accurate view of what time you could do in
the marathon itself. Interesting huh?
On Thursday night Fay and I went for a run about
Dunbar. Some of the club had headed down to Norham
for the two banks challenge about a 2 mile race. I
needed to head out for something a bit longer and also
was a bit late leaving work so wouldnt have made the
Norham run anyway. We ran down the back road, along
shore road and up past the hospital to Eweford. From
there we ran up the right fork in the road to the
pleasance, and up to Wester Broomhouse, down the
closed road and back to Spott roundabout. From here
we headed down Kellie road, along a trail onto Lochend
road (one of many shortcuts to use in the next 5km
handicap around those parts) and along into town. We
ran round the harbour before getting back to Fays
about a 7 miler.
And today Sheila M and I headed over to sunny East
Kilbride to take part in the Diet Coke ½ marathon.
Well it seemed a good idea at the time (and that time
was shortly after finishing Loch Leven ½ frustrated
due to the head wind!). We left Dunbar at about 7.15
am but everything ran pretty smoothly and we arrived
at the park and ride in EK at about 8:30. A shuttle
bus took us to the start where there were toilets and
an area to leave your bags etc. We started on the
race track to take part in a two loop race, as there
was also a 10k event on. The race basically loops
round loads of roundabouts, you go up a hill, then go
round all the roundabouts again, go up the hill and
then a couple more roundabouts and a trail through
some trees and then you finish. The organisation was
great, the marshals good and probably as many
spectators as you would get in an Edinburgh race
(which granted isnt that many, but they were good).
The roads themselves were a bit uneven I fell at a
hole in the road after the 2 mile mark, went down with
a bit of a thump, and left an even bigger hole in the
road. Lets just say I didnt do that again on the
next run round.
So the splits (I think the markers were out again):
At the 2 mile marker (missed the 1 mile sign) 17.43
(average of 8.51 per mile)
Mile 3 10.09
Mile 4 8.48
Mile 5 9.23
Mile 6 9.26
Mile 7 10.15 (took a gel there)
Mile 8 9.03
Mile 9 9.52
Mile 10 9.09
Mile 11 10.07
Mile 12 10.25 (could have done with another gel)
Mile 13 8.18
Mile.1 1.01
Total 2.03.45. Have just checked the website and
this is my official time. And that = a pb for me!
(previous pb 2.04.57). Even with falling over (which
might have been a smart move as next year hopefully I
will be able to beat this, so long as I dont fall
then!) At last
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