Monday, August 07, 2006
Feeling better.........until I did a Sheila
So now Ive recovered from my bug, Ive been trying to
catch up on the running
..Last Tuesday night we had a
committee meeting, which was a blessing in disguise as
that meant I could only do 4-5 miles before hand. We
set off from Halhill and ran down to West Barnes,
through John Muir Country Park, turning back once we
got to the East Links farm park. From there we ran
back along another track to the Biel Burn, ran along
the burn to West Barnes, up at West Barnes to Eweford
and back to Halhill via the trees. Last week the
women were severely depleted in number, with only 4 of
us there. That meant Anne and Hannah ran on and Val
and I ran together Val certainly kept me going
thats for sure!
Thursday night was interesting although not sure our
brains were working properly when we decided what we
were doing. There were only 5 of us Ian Sills,
Stuart, Anne, Val and I, so Ian decided we could form
two teams and run a 10km relay. For some reason we
decided boys against girls. The boys doing 400m each
and the girls doing 200m. They only finished about 7
minutes in front of us (?) but it is the fastest time
Ill ever get for a 10km run (42.32 for the girls
against my pb of 54.05). As I joked to Val after we
could give that method a try at the next boundary race
Anne could run the first 4km, Ill do the next 3 and
Val can have the final 3 and the glory leg it could
On Saturday I thought Id better attempt a longer run
I set out from mine and ran around the cement
factory, along Whitesands and round the golf course to
pick Val up at her house. I left at 9 but even then
it was roasting hot. Just as I got close to Vals, I
did a Sheila. Yup I tripped up on some uneven
ground and went flying in a superb superman fashion.
Shame my knee and hand didnt think it was quite so
superb. Lucky I did it just before Vals as she
tended to my knee before we carried on. Although
carrying on wasnt easy it was so warm, and clearly
I ran out of energy as I was zapped out as we came
back along the beach. On running up the back road we
bumped into Clarissa so got our first glimpse of baby
Holly too. So generally a good run, although I was a
bit disappointed with the poor performance in the
second half poor Val was being held up a bit!
On Sunday I decided to see if my knee was still
working (it is, sort of, but I have a pretty
impressive bruise and some nice grazing that makes my
knee look a bit like a 5 year olds) surely you are
meant to grow out of all this falling over malarkey???
Anyway I ran cross country round the bottom of Doon
Hill, up behind Spott Home Farm etc, along to the road
to Spott, down Starvation Brae (which was difficult as
knee was tender, although I still think running down
is the wise option), down to Doon Bridge, up beside
the house with the red chimney, up round the bottom of
Doon Hill to Pinkerton and back home. It was windy
and therefore felt cooler (and probably was about 5
degrees cooler than Saturday, but still over 20 which
is way too hot for a sensitive northern girl like me!)
So hopefully the bug hasnt had too many lasting
effects on my fitness, certainly none of the runs was
particularly easy feeling and limbs were a bit tired
so now Im back on the pasta and chocolate to try to
rebuild the energy stores. Shouldnt take me too
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