Friday, October 27, 2006

i've been concise for a change...............

Oh my god – I’ve done it again. Old age is setting in
and I just can’t seem to remember when I last wrote in
the blog! Must try harder.

Last update was from 15/10 – Sunday shortish run.

Since then
Tuesday 17/10 – club town run. Ran quickly round
again – just about 4.5 miles cos we had a meeting
afterwards. Interesting point to run was injured man
lying in street in West Barnes.

Thursday 19/10 – New Order concert in Glasgow so
unfortunately no intervals!! Think it was a good plan
though cos knees have gone all clicky. Very odd
feeling – they are more numb but sometimes
hypersensitive than anything else. Maybe the dancing

Saturday 21/10 – went for a run on my own. One of
those days were you drag yourself out and probably
shouldn’t bother. Ran from East Links round John
Muir, over A1 to Hedderwick/North Belton etc and then
back through park to East Links. The run got a bit
better after 40 mins. Why is it when I started
running the first 5 minutes were the worst, you got
over it and then you ran on comfortably, and now it’s
the first 40? Must be a reason for it….

Sunday 22/10 – a better run this time. Went with
Sheila from Belhaven through John Muir to North
Berwick Rd. Then turned round and ran back but over
A1 to Hedderwick/North Belton etc as per yesterday,
and back through the park to Belhaven. Made it to 10
miles today. It was ok – Sheila’s leek flavoured ice
cream wasn’t great though!

Tuesday 24/10 – I am knackered – far too much work
going on. Luckily Sheila is heavily into her taper so
we did a slow run round town for about 4.5 miles. We
stopped to have a quick review of the Creel menu, but
unfortunately Frank caught us. Nevermind….. Ian
Sills gave me a row as I would bring the club into
disrepute (think we all contribute to that Ian).
Anyway bought Val a cake as it was her birthday on the
Thursday before – nice wee snack for afters…..

Thursday 26/10 – had to get massaged due to knackered
knees. Due to overtight quads and not stretching or
doing enough strengthening stretching exercises. Am
going to have to do squats and lunges on a very
regular basis. Baah…….thought running was meant to be
good for you?

Friday 27/10 – just went out for a wee run this
morning. Twas freezing but as my day off I thought I
should. Just a wee light hearted trot through John
Muir. Trainers are now a bloody mess! Anyway am in
the middle of updating ipod so must get back to it –
promise to update a bit sooner next time!

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