Sunday, November 05, 2006
more marathon news....
Well Ive just about recovered enough to write up the
more full entry than previous. Club was good on
Tuesday Val had figured it out and looked up the
results so she knew by the time we got there. Anne
though was speechless (and for those of you who know
Anne, know that doesnt happen often!!!). Sheila
brought along her pink bubbly for the evening and we
scoffed that down. Now for the run itself though
Sheilas chip time was 4:35:20, completing the first
10km in 1:12:01, first half in 2:23:30. Think that
also means she ran a negative split second half
being run in 2:11:50 if my maths is anything to go by.
She ran the whole way and felt not too bad after.
Pretty good considering she fell out the back door the
Wednesday before and twisted her ankle! She said she
had me and all my positive thoughts repeating through
her head all the way. Shame I seem to have misplaced
the positive thoughts. Anyway Sheila was 39th in her
category and 4967th overall.
As for me I was 5379th overall. Ran the first 10km
in 1:10:12, first half in 2:21:20 and chip time was
4:44:00. (although Im not sure about these splits
think they must be from start time rather than time we
actually crossed in which would mean I did first 10km
in 1:04 ish and first half in 2:15 ish which ties in
more with my own records). Splits as follows:
Mile 1 10.24 (Sheila goes behind skip to pee)
Mile 2 10.24 (up hill)
Mile 3 10.01 (still sort off up hill, first water
stop, boys kick bottles across road)
Mile 4 9.44 (enter Phoenix Park)
Mile 5 10.03
Mile 6 10.24 (take gel, drink water, top up water
Mile 7 10.00
Mile 8 9.35 (leave Phoenix Park)
Mile 9 10.19
Mile 10 10.01 (steep but short up hill bit)
Mile 11 10.06
Mile 12 10.42 (long draggy up hill, wind in face,
take 2nd gel, drink water, top up water
Mile 13 11.01
Mile 14 10.45
Mile 15 10.21
Mile 16 10.55
Mile 17 10.46
Mile 18 10.56 (right knee starts to hurt behind
knee, Sheila catches up after
waterstation, we run
together for a bit. Take 3rd gel, drink water and
dont top up water thing)
Mile 19 11.24 (send Sheila off on her own, have a
walk, feel knackered)
Mile 20 12.56 (have toilet stop (in a toilet unlike
Sheila), walk a bit, now its hot)
Mile 21 & 22 24.25. Works out at 12.13 each. (knees
hurt, nice man pats me on back
to keep me
going, lots of other people look as if they are in
too, really
thirsty need water)
Mile 23 11.58 (right knee really starts to hurt v
painful. Figure out I need to finish as
quickly as possible and only way to do that is to run
as much as possible.
Do a funny limpy hobble run for a bit)
Mile 24 12.35 (another hill (well a pimple but it
looks like a mountain at this stage)
more water phew!)
Mile 25 10.59 (too many people around to walk)
Mile 26 11.18 (pain is nearly over!)
0.2 1.50 (that is definitely short but Im not
Only annoying part was no toilets near the start
thank god for McDonalds. I will never slag them off
Met lots of nice people before, during and after the
run. Lots of support on route, with kids hanging out
for runners to High 5 them as they go past. Loads
of water and Gatorade stations, and portaloos on the
route. Funny though as every alley, road, skip or
tree for the first 10 miles seemed to have loads of
men down it peeing. Would have made for an
interesting photo!
Weather was good considering it was end of October
well a bit too windy in some places and too warm in
others. I even managed to get sunburnt slightly.
After finishing it was really hard to walk back to the
B&B we were half a mile max away from the finish and
it was tough going. I didnt really feel like eating
afterwards (unusual considering the amount we ate in
the days preceeding!). Feet were sore sort of
bruised feeling on the soles. Really felt it when in
the shower the non slip markings were agony on the
feet. Anyway recovered pretty soon after demolishing
the finishing bag snickers and headed on out in our
Finisher t-shirts to get bladdered only not so bad
as some we saw on the way home
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