Sunday, December 24, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Well its been a while since I wrote but I thought
Id better wait until Id done some running unil I
wrote an update. Immediately after the festive half I
developed cold. It started with a throat so sore it
felt as if it must have been red raw. It moved
through the stages to become a lovely sneezy and later
snottery cold. I have no idea where snot comes from
and why but it seems such a waste to keep throwing it
all away. I also managed to develop a lovely deep
cough at the same time, culminating in me losing my
voice at the weekend of the 16th/17th. I wasnt so
bothered about missing the town run on the 12th Dec
it was the womens xmas night out so it made getting
ready easiery. Also not bothered about missing
running on 14th as it was a works night out in town so
I was going to miss it anyway. But missing out on
daylight weekend runs at this time of year is sooooo
annoying. Its not often you get to run out into the
country in the daylight at this time of year, and to
miss 3 possibilities in a row was really really crap.
So I couldnt run on the Saturday 16th, nor the 17th
and I had a day off work on the 18th so thought I
might head out then
.but no chance.
So, the 19th was my first run in over a week. I still
had my lovely deep cough which I demonstrated at
regular intervals on the run. I managed a slowish run
with Sheila K and Val around town for 55 minutes so I
was quite pleased. (although I did have a coughing
fit for about 10 minutes after). We then sampled some
of Annes baking (nice biscuits) and did the draw for
the club place. Val is running London! That leaves
Fay and Hannah running Paris, and Val, Anne, Ian R,
Ian S and Stuart all running London (apologies if Ive
missed anyone
Thursday was something else! As a treat (hmm if Ian
R ever offers you a treat, think twice before you
.anyway as a treat we got to run a trough
relay. Ill explain. A trough means you start out
with the longer distances, work your way down to the
shorter ones and then back up to the longer ones.
Although not sure everyone grasped that we were
working our way back up to the bigger ones
..So we got
paired up with a partner, unfortunately for Anne she
was with me, but we got a headstart as all the other
pairings were man/woman so we were at a bit of a
disadvantage. Anyway 1200m esch, then 800m each, then
400m each, followed by 800m, followed by 1200m. It
was tough definitely not what you need when you are
getting over your cold and its your second run out in
just over a week! At least we went out to the Indian
after though so it had its good side. And Sheila M
and I gave Ians his present will need to check to
see whether he has kept the original version we gave
and hung it up in pride of place
Saturday at 9 am Sheila M, Val, Fay and I headed out
for an early morning escape from the chaos. We ran
from Belhaven up to Eweford and then Wester
Broomhouse. From there we went down the closed road
before heading back to Dunbar and round the harbour
and back to Belhaven. It was a beautiful day and
quite mild which is better than the weather has been
on previous weekends.
And today Sheila M, Sheila K and I all headed out for
a run. It was a frosty cold morning so we headed out
through John Muir. Sheila K cut back to Dunbar along
the A1 just as we headed up to go across to Hedderwick
way. Then we went on a bit of a tour I had checked
out the route on a map but didnt do it right before
the run. That meant that we did end up having a bit
of a mystery tour. We turned right instead of left to
join up with the road towards Biel. Then we ran on
and took a path to the left to Beesknowe. Right so
.now this road links up with a route that joins
the road from Pitcox down to the A1. But that is not
what we did. No we headed down a path that came to an
end in the middle of a field. So then we ran round
the field, on into the next newly ploughed field, ran
round the edge and then joined up with the road beside
North Belton anyway. We were rather muddy once we got
out of the field, I think I managed to slide a good
proportion of the way back rather than running it! We
checked out the map when we got back to next time
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