Friday, June 22, 2007

at update. (sorry Steve if not exciting enough......)

Well, ok then, didn't quite manage to keep up the good intentions of writing in my diary more regularly. Brian went away for a week so I filled my social calendar up and then because the computer wasn't on 24/7 I couldn't be bothered writing.....
Anyway Steve (previously nice man from Musselburgh, now not sure about the "nice" and running for Dunbar) told me I needed to spice up my diary a bit - not sure he gets the point that this is my TRAINING diary - not putting the juicy stuff in here............

Lots of running - again....

13 June - Wednesday. Sheila,Val and I set out from Belhaven to run along the Tyne to Haddington for some tea. Some of you might ask why not just drive but that's not so much fun, and you def can't eat as much on arrival without burning some calories first. Val showed us the crossing of the Tyne from the race on Saturday - doesn't look much fun to me - imagine steep slop upwards of well worn path, that looks like quite slippy mud, where you could be running hard to get to the top, slip, fall flat on your face and slip back down towards the river. Shame for any runners behind you at that point....anyway think I will remain in the support crew for that race. It was a hard run to Haddington - you can always tell a hard run as you'd rather sleep after than eat (which as you'll know is very bizarre for me&Sheila - none of us could finish our main course!) Fantastic food as ever at Poldrates.

14 June - Thursday. Madness of Portabello 4 mile race. Weather was like a winter day - raining and very windy along the prom. Pleased with my time though (and obviously - a pb - first race of that distance). Bet Sheila - but not by much - 22 seconds or something. I ran 33.48 which was less than 8min30sec miles so good enough for me. Fiona is my new best friend - she swapped a banana for a mars bar - mad - a mars bar is worth way more than a banana. Good to see her out running again, after the terrible chest infection.

17 June - Sunday. Learnt a few things today.
1. don't run the day after you've been out on a hen night.
2. drink plenty of water on the day before and on the day of the race - more if you are on a hen night and also rushing around before the hen night trying to find something suitable to wear and failing miserably.
3. get more sleep than about 3 hours - probably something to do with the very drunken hens arriving back with their nutritious snacks (aka chips and curry sauce) at
4. running in muggy heat is crap (ok so I already knew this)
5. if you are going out the day before (not necessarily just on hen nights) with a lot of meat eaters, and you are a veggie, take some spare carbohydrate snacks to ensure you are not starving and are fuelled appropriately for the race.
My stomach was actually rumbling at then end (again unusual for me...............)

19 June - ELSS race 2 at Musselburgh. Steve back from his honeymoon - seems to be very cheeky following getting married (or maybe just because he was out with a whole lot of women and his wife was back at home..........)
Hoping the run was longer than last years otherwise I'm in big big trouble - almost running backwards in comparison.
For some reason I told Sheila where to buy her trainers cheap so she was really bouncing along in her new ones. She went wooshing past (like a wotsit) just before the 4km point - seems like she's figured out the whole point to racing is actually to run fast. Damn.
Stuart's birthday so Dunbar club sang to him in the "Levenhall Arms" and Anne provided yummy chocolate cake. Sheila was probably right though when she said our singing was even worse than our running....

21 June - meant to be at intervals. But thought, been doing a lot of short/fastist running sessions recently. Really need to run slowly. So headed out through John Muir Country Park. So hazy couldn't even see the sea....

22 June - went out for further slow trot with Sheila. Round John Muir again - still hazy.

Sheila is busy trialling a new breathable shorts method - although think it would be best if she just bought some new ones or got out her needle and thread. Don't ask her to show you...........

Other exciting facts not very forthcoming at the moment - will need to think of something interesting for the next installment.

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