Sunday, December 16, 2007
please don't make me go out again...........
1 - I managed to run the whole way (don't think I've manage that on the festive half in the past)
2 - I managed to run the whole way in less than the handicap time I set myself (haven't managed that before either)
3 - I nearly managed to keep up with Fiona (she somehow gets full of energy half way through and wants to run faster, luckily for me she's a very supportive and encouraging running companion as.....
4 - we managed to come first (yee - ha!)
so more than 10 minutes faster than 2006 (and about 3? mins faster than 2005) I'm quite pleased! Sheila M did very well - I think she is more suited to mad small races, with muddy slippy bits and big hills than a nice flat road race. Mad really. She should take up cross country!
anyway guess I should try to remember what I've been up to in between my last entry and now......
Tues 27th - ran around toon in the dark
Thurs 29th - think I did painful interval session - making it up as I go along
Sat 1st - went to Alnwick so Brian could spend ridiculous amounts of cash on fishing stuff at a warehouse sale, then headed out for a wee run in the afternoon. Discovered Goats cheese salad could possibly be the worst pre run lunch I've ever tried. Run was a bit hopelous. Went to a pals wedding that night,
Sun 2nd - marshalled cross country and then went for 9 miler with Fiona and Bessie (Fiona's dog). Bessie was great - about 10 times a better runner than me! She ran about twice the distance of Fiona and I. It was hard work. I'd like to blame it on the wedding the night before but don't think I drank that much.....
Tues 4rd - wee run aboot toon in the dark - had a meeting
Thurs 6th - longer run aboot toon. Didn't do the handicap as had big run on Sunday and needed to get mileage up as only running 3 times that week
Fri/Sat 7th/8th - went to see ma & pa & gran and other folks. Went to Glasgow on the Saturday - big mistake. Still no Christmas shopping done - I'm not doing so well this year.....
Sun 9th - as above - run in pi##ing rain
Tues 11th - just back from Manchester, arrived a wee bit late but my fabby running compadres waited for me and still got in about 5 miles
Thurs 13th - intervals (what with the excellent running club ladies night out the night before. tiredness getting worse and worse this week. food at Lauderdale amazing though.....great stuff. Not sure same could be said of my interval session)
Sat 15th - (again night out last night - work this time). Did about 10 - trying to keep it easy. To be honest don't think anything would have been able to go any faster even if I tried
Sun 16th - (again a night out last night - that's 4 in a week now! guaranteed I won't have that many in the next 6 months!) did about 6 or so miles - in the hills same as yesterday. Brian met me to go and get the tree - although unlike Stuart and Ann we didn't take pity on the last tree left, we're going back tomorrow to see if a more well rounded, less bald number is available.....
so this week, I think I may catch up on some sleep. Also need to do some Christmas shopping.....and tidy the house.....and put the tree up.......aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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