Monday, May 26, 2008

where does he get the time

So Stuart can train for a marathon, work in Glasgow and update his blog everyday.  I manage to update it every 3 weeks or so.......but I s'pose the last time I updated it, I did 3 in one day!
Nothing exciting has happened since then really - no unexpected bat girls flying past, no cat women scratching.....hmmmm just gone straight back to normality.  Normality which is now sleep, travel, eat, work, eat, travel, run, eat, sleep.....
Managed to fit a race in last week - the Glasgow Women's 10km.  Had to do a bit of psychological prep as I knew it wasn't going to be a good race, and also knew that last year I had a very good race so always a difficult one to deal with.  But I kept telling myself the important thing was to enjoy it, get round, time not important la la la la la.  Yeah right.  Enjoy it? Well I say I did now, but ask me at the time I was running and I think you might have got a different response.  Must say I did enjoy the goody bag.  Some quite large bag of chocolatey cornflake bits with cranberries and apple chunks, the obligatory tunnocks caramel wafer (always in Glasgow do you get your caramel wafer), banana (which did for breakfast the next day) and some oat bar that never quite got finished.  Felt a bit crappy afterwards which I take as a good sign that I tried hard, but a bad sign as my time wasn't so hot.  Major goal was to get under the hour - which I
did.  The real goal was 55 mins though, which I didn't.  Haven't managed under 55 in about a year now.  Dunno where the training is going wrong but will need to keep working at it.  Managed under 57 which doesn't sound so bad, although is nearly 4 mins slower than last year, which then equates to quite a lot a mile (more than Stuarts second for sure!).
Other than that I've been slowly building my miles and on Saturday there I went out on an epic hilly adventure.  Up the brunt, down to Spott, up Daniel's Brae, round the Pleasance, back up the hill in the field near the red chimney (with the usual couple of walking bits) and then up and over Doon hill.  Pretty pleased but took it at a pace I knew I could keep up at.  Made it up Daniel's Brae - not a pleasant experience but once over the top and round the bend there I got my reward.  A fox in the middle of the road.  Cool.  It's been ages since I last saw a fox.  I'm easy pleased.......
Although Sunday went out for a wee trot in John Muir with Sheila K and struggled with the breathing to begin with.  Here's hoping that's not a result of my run round many rape fields the day before......might need to start measuring my breathing again to see if there is a pollen issue going on......
Anyway best go as have some more crappy telly to watch - so important you know.  Quite into this online demand telly - watch what you want when you want to, rather than someone telling you what you can watch at any one time.  It's great - just log on and you can watch as many old episodes of house hunting programmes, drama or comedy.  Guess where some of my precious time is going rather than blog updating then!

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A Smarter Email

"where does he get the time?"

It's called cyber-slacking. But obviously HR wouldn't know about that ;-)
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